Very mysterous and sad in a very deep way =')
This is a nice song I really liked the piano mixed with the bells mad me sleepy and sad at the same time in a good way ;)
Very mysterous and sad in a very deep way =')
This is a nice song I really liked the piano mixed with the bells mad me sleepy and sad at the same time in a good way ;)
thanks alot for your compliments!
Dang was that you playing the guitar man if it was your pretty damn good at it!
10/10 5/5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This is going into my favorites for sure man, this song has a LEGENDARY melody and beat, probly one of the best Trance songs ive heard on Newgrounds so far, Fantastic job...
reading this review made me feel like i have a purpose in life..
everyday i wake up im gonna know that out in the world theres actually peoples who I've affected in a positive way.
if you take a look at my profile you'll notice that i've come a long way in the world of making music, but like all decent musicians i still think i could get better
i need to get some better VST's and plugins cause to be honest im tired of the same old sounds
and trying to mod the instruments
but ANYWAYS.. thanx for your review!! :]
and ill review some of your songs too
woe dang!
I would say the hip hop and classical have a tie because it rocks together in this song!
Thx! Checi out my "Classical vs hiphop remastered" for the finished version :D!
I don't think I speak your language but this song sure is sure pretty good.
My language is spanish... xDD Thank's for this review
Defently has a techno taste to it but it just a little sour but thats ok man.
yeah I went for a little odd sounding beat on this one...i kinda like it makes me wana do sumthing with action haha
but thanks for the input
Dude, you ....KICK ASS. Thanks for all your support and awesome reviewS!\m/
I would probly think this song is probly goth...
It's kinda got a goth sound to it I really liked the riffs man, This song is really {PIMp}!!!
Word! It wasn't intended to be "goth" but if thats what it sounds like, it's cool with me. As long as people like it. Thanks for the review!
Wow brillant!
This song had alot of effort put into it I bet, Nice flangering effect with the guitar and an absoluty flawless beat great job!
Thanks man. Truthfully...not a lot of effort. Just testing some stuffs then. But..glad you liked it overall. Thanks for the review!\m/
I am a bit of reserved musician with a bit of a different approach than most. My original songs are all from within my thought process so you are guaranteed to hear a lot of original touches you may not hear anywhere else. Message me for anything else!
Age 30, Male
Joined on 4/1/07