Not bad..
Pretty nice tone you got going just make it longer and maby change the normal bell to a tubular bell and it would be alot better ;)
Not bad..
Pretty nice tone you got going just make it longer and maby change the normal bell to a tubular bell and it would be alot better ;)
Another amazing piece from the 1 and only Maestro!
Once again another epic one from you. The orchestra hits, strings, and everything was just amazing, I also listen to your music when I'm doing school work and playing games, But I can tell that your using a way above average program, May I ask what it is?
This piece is just wow!
You have really outdone yourself on this piece man, The strings, and the everything is just flawless as can get witch almost sounds like a real orchestra with realistic sound effects. Keep making these because I listen to these when I'm playing Runescape or doin school work witch truely could boost your iq ;)
Wow this is godly..
Wow maestro you have done it again once again in incredible music piece you have made... Just keep it up because your my most favorite classical/ambient author ever to be known anywhere in the whole world.. Im surprised you havent had money offered to you in hundreds for each piece of music you've made... ;')
Nah, I don't like to make music with the money being the reason why. It kind of... taints it if you know what I mean. Besides if I was being paid for this, i'd never be able to share it with the rest of Newgrounds :'(.
I'm glad you liked it JakesFable! Thanks for the review and the support!
Fantastic ;)
I really liked the guitar and percussiion going on in here with the acception of the piano for real. Your kinda like me I respond to every review I get :o, Great job keep it up and check my music out if you'd like ;)
Originally I wasn't plannig to use the piano as much as I did in this song.
I started out with just the intro, then added it at the part starting at 1.41. Before I knew it the piano dominated the whole song along with the guitars.
I'll check out your music right now.
Thanks for liking it!
Sure enough a 5/5, 4.22 / 5.00 (+ 0.050)
Hehe sounds kinda like you got some ZZ Top in you idk why it just makes me think of them lol. Great job can't wait to hear more from you as my most favorite heavy metal dude on Newgrounds even know this wasn't :P
Thanks man. ZZtop, eh? Cool. haha. They rule.
I was inspired on the leads, by some music in "From Dusk Till Dawn". ZZTop did some work very well be. Good fucking ears. haha.
Thanks for the awesome review. And another preview up. Heavy Metal one this time. :D/.
Thanks for your support dude.\m/
never though you could play in that tone, Keep it up ;)
pretty brutal man, keep it up.
I am a bit of reserved musician with a bit of a different approach than most. My original songs are all from within my thought process so you are guaranteed to hear a lot of original touches you may not hear anywhere else. Message me for anything else!
Age 30, Male
Joined on 4/1/07