drums sound good and guitar wasn't half bad eather.. come check out my newest song.
drums sound good and guitar wasn't half bad eather.. come check out my newest song.
Wow this is a one of kind piece thats makes me think of a winter frost stranded island when you are facing a lone wolf in a far distance... This was truly an amazing piece of greatness and I will say this is very outstanding work of art witch I may use this for something in the future! Great job, keep it up and Merry Christmas ;)
Nice image. Glad you liked it, and merry christmas to you as well!
Very nice..
I liked the piano and liked it alot when the strings came in, Keep up the great work ;)
Wow your remake has a alot of feeling to it! Great bass,Great changing synths, Great sounds effects, and defently the piano was amazing! This is just great overall by far! Keep it the great work because I'm pretty sure Paragon herself would love this remake! Come check out my new stuff if you'd like ;D
Why would you steal other peoples work?
Dude I'm not trying to be cruel or anything witch is what I do at the least, I'm a fair voter but when you record something straight from the game and call it your own work really doesn't mean anything and its just stealing other peoples work and it is just not cool.
I will not report you to moderator if you delete this and the other songs you stole.
Have you actually listen to the one from the game. Mine is different and most people if they listened it would have to agree. Also most of my post were here before this whole audio thing changed over. Besides It's not like I'm trying to make money off adding others work. Some people aren't able to get or find some of these songs. Can't say too much against you and your music because I've come across your work and I like it. And if I knew how to delete songs off here I would. But I will not be deleting this one because I did make it and it is different.
I just had to review this..
Wow Reasoner you had some great work with the piano, strings, and percussion in here, Almost feels like im walking down a trail, then the it starts snowing, then all the spirits are lifting from earth to heaven and as earth peacefully sits quietly with the wind slightly breezing as a lonely small creature looks for food...... Great job Reasoner keep it up!
Really good!!
Wow the sounds effects at the front of the song sounded perfectly the same as the original version witch must of been hard to match adzackly the same! Great job keep it up come check out my Zelda tracks if you feel like it ;)
yeah Was hard, Worked awhile on it too! im glad for your Review! and i checked out Some of your zelda Songs aswell ;)
This is so good that I know this is gonna get popular quick! Great job on the synth styles, strings, and everything, Keep it up ;)
I hate it when I get Rick Rolled on YouTube but love it at the same time lol.
I am a bit of reserved musician with a bit of a different approach than most. My original songs are all from within my thought process so you are guaranteed to hear a lot of original touches you may not hear anywhere else. Message me for anything else!
Age 30, Male
Joined on 4/1/07